What are the benefits of having an ashiatsu massage as opposed to a deep tissue massage?

With ashiatsu, I can apply and sustain the smooth and consistent deep pressure necessary for muscles to release tension. Rather than having to depend on my hand and arm muscle strength, I use the overhead bars and my weight to regulate the amount and depth of pressure, as well as the angle to the muscles, allowing me to work across a greater range of pressure than other forms of massage. All of this gives me more opportunities to treat the condition causing pain and the client’s specific needs. You never have to be concerned about whether or not you will receive the amount of pressure you need to get the therapeutic benefit you are seeking.

Can I receive the same kind of detail work with ashiatsu that you can get in a traditional deep tissue massage?

Definitely! The techniques used in an ashiatsu session exceed the limits of detail work possible in a typical deep tissue massage. Many of the angles accessible using overhead bars and the feet prove quite difficult to achieve with the hands or forearms. For example, the top of the shoulders can be difficult to truly release when standing next to the massage table. I use my feet and hands and leverage to precisely target and release shoulder pain and tension. Depending on the specific work needed, I may use my hands and feet at the same time. I use pressure with my big toe or heel for trigger point work and active release therapy. With the aid of gravity, I can apply consistent pressure to a specific area and easily maintain that pressure for as long as it takes for the muscle to release.

Does an ashiatsu massage have to be deep?

No. For those who are just looking for a relaxing experience to release tension, an ashiatsu session is perfect for stress release. The level of pressure is always dependent on the client’s needs and feedback. The depth of pressure is carefully regulated by the use of the overhead bars.

Does ashiatsu hurt?

The amount of pressure given during an ashiatsu massage is carefully regulated to meet the specific comfort level of the client, although a certain level of intensity is needed to break through fascia. I work with the client’s sensitivities to pressure and work to achieve a pressure both therapeutic and comfortable for the recipient. 

Is ashiatsu just walking on backs?

No, unless that is what you request. I apply oil to your body before performing the massage. Ashiatsu is better described as a slow gliding over your muscle tissue. You can expect long flowing strokes following the entire length of the muscle. The broad pressure of the feet can cover a larger surface area than a pair of hands, thereby accessing an entire muscle group at one time. Your muscles are essentially being ironed out. The bars above the massage table provide the support that I need to ensure a smooth and even pressure.

How do you keep your feet clean?

I follow a strict hygiene protocol before and after every session along with daily manicuring. My feet will always be clean and warm before putting them on your body. During the session, I walk in sanitized sandals to get on and off the table. Believe it or not, it is more likely for hands to have harmful bacteria than feet. 

Can I wear my underwear during the massage?

Although it is not recommended, you may wear your underwear during the massage. For an optimal massage experience, this barefoot technique does necessitate full removal of clothing. Draping will be used at all times .